Welcome to Point to Point PEC Foundation.

We are working towards linking groups who are concerned about the way we are treating our natural environment. Specially, Point to Point is concerned about the long term impact of industrial development on migrating birds, bats, and monarch butterflies; species at risk; fragmenting habitat and other unanticipated consequences that could create new negative environmental challenges. These are some of the immediate threats to our ecosystems locally within Prince Edward County (PEC) and the eastern basin of Lake Ontario, Canada.

We are inviting individuals, groups and organizations with concerns about irreversible damage to ecosystems, due to human impact in their area, to network with us. We hope we can share information and support each other in our quest to protect aquatic/wildlife, and preserve natural habitat for creature to live and raise their young---their right, our responsibility.

"We will never have more wilderness”.


This statement is true---once it’s gone, it’s gone. It makes more sense, and it is more economical, to protect and conserve natural spaces than it is to try to restore and/or re-establish ecosystems and species.

Point to Point is currently working towards creating a National Marine Conservation Area and a land base park.  This is a project that was started over 30 years ago.

Join us and learn what we’re doing and what you can do to help us. Share with us your projects, your challenges and your successes. Together, one community at a time, we can take the responsibility to be stewards of our planet. It is our backyard and it’s our job to take care of it!  Whether it be a pond, stream, river, wetland, forest, alvar…large or small…we can make a difference for future generations.